Form 5305A-SEP, salary reduction simplified employee pension--individual retirement accounts contribution agreement : under section 408(k) of the internal revenue code
- Author
- United States. Internal Revenue Service.
- Preferred Title
- Form 5305A-SEP, salary reduction simplified employee pension--individual retirement accounts contribution agreement (Online)
- Title
- Form 5305A-SEP, salary reduction simplified employee pension--individual retirement accounts contribution agreement : under section 408(k) of the internal revenue code.
- Format
- Journal, Periodical Online Resource
- <Latest issue only>
- Portion of title
- Salary reduction simplified employee pension--individual retirement accounts contribution agreement
- Published
- [Washington, D.C.] : Dept. of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service
- Publishing history
- Available also on CD-ROM: United States. Internal Revenue Service. Tax products CD-ROM. Some forms and instructions also available in: United States. Internal Revenue Service. Reproducible copies of federal tax forms and instructions.
- Notes
- "Cat. No. 64362R." Description based on: Rev. Mar. 2002; title from title screen (viewed on Apr. 30, 2004). Online version of the print publication. Mode of access: Internet at the IRS web site. Address of latest issue as of 4/30/04:; current access is available via PURL.
- Subject headings
- Income tax deductions for retirement contributions--United States--Forms--Periodicals. Deferred compensation--United States--Forms--Periodicals. Pension trusts--United States--Forms--Periodicals. Individual retirement accounts--United States--Forms--Periodicals.