Shotgun seamstress
- Author
- Atoe, Osa.
- Title
- Shotgun seamstress.
- Format
- Journal, Periodical
- Published
- Alexandria, VA : The author, 2006-
- Notes
- Zinebrief. A political zine. Zine.
- Summary
- Shotgun Seamstress discusses the difficulties of being a black person within dominantly white punk and queer scenes. The author and contributors give anecdotes about their experiences at punk concerts. Osa interviews local punk artists of color, and provides excerpts of her own writing about racism. The zine incorporates images and sparse typewritten sections for a dynamic effect on each of the pages. Multiple issues have been produced, each focusing on a different aspect of black punk culture (e.g. Toni Young, love, money) and how people of color interact with popular culture.
- Kinsey subjects
- Status of women. Underground press. Musicians.
Blmgtn - Kinsey Institute Library (by appointment only)
- Location
- Stacks -- J
- Holdings
- no.1 (2006)
- Holdings
- no.2 (2007)